Thursday, March 26, 2009

I love making bags!

Just a quick post with some bags I made for my sisters. These were Christmas presents that they didn't get until March (I suck). They are from a pattern by Sandi Henderson that I think is awesome. They went together so easily. There are 2 patterns, this is the gathered bag. I also made 2 straight bags for my mother-in-law and sister-in-law but forgot to take pics (doh!) At least theirs made it out on time. (Please don't mind my horrible photography skills)

Now, if I could just find the time to make one for myself!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sewing and other stuff

I really wish I was clever enough to come up with witty titles for my posts, but alas, I am not, so utilitarian it is.

First order of business: I got a Brand Spanking New Sewing Machine! I am so excited and have delusions that I can complete twice as many projects in half the time with this baby. I did some research on the internet and decided to go with a Brother because it was in my price range and many people thought it was a great machine. I went to an authorized dealer and tried out a few and loved the embroidery/sewing combo. Then I thought how much embroidery would I really do and is it worth the cost? So I stuck with the sewing only model, which is still a major upgrade from my 1973 White machine and didn't blow my budget. Seeing as how I have 6 (yes 6) tutus to sew for Lily's school play, it couldn't have come at a better time.

In other exciting news, Lily will be traveling with my mom to Seattle in May to visit my sister, her Auntie Juju. Unfortunately, she will have to miss a little school, which I debated for a while, but you can't replace the fun and excitement of a grown-up trip that she will remember forever. It will be hard to have her away from me for a week, but it will be a trip of a lifetime for Lily and for my mom. Although, when I told her she said, "It isn't for 2 months, oh" and went back to watching TV. I am just hoping it won't be too hard on her little sis being left behind.

At the end of February, Lily's school had a week off (and they will have another week in April, what is up with that??) Since Daddy was in Mexico for work, I took the girls on a mini vacay to Cleveland to visit my mom and Kelley. We had a great trip, unfortunately not well documented in photos (I need to get better about this). We went to the Great Lakes Science Center, B. A. Sweetie candy store and just chilled. I also got a night out with my girlfriends. It was really great. Below are some pics from the Science Center. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pics of the girls with Kelley or my mom. Oops.

This is a bit of a side note, but these cake pops are incredible and I wish I had Bakerella's talent (and patience) to make these for my girls.Happy Spring!!