Sunday, November 29, 2009

Giving thanks.

It was a quiet Thanksgiving this year, but that didn't stop me from making WAY too much food. Evidence:

Now the obligatory what I am thankful for:
My beautiful daughters who keep me laughing on a daily basis. I love to see how excited they are about Christmas this year.

My wonderful husband who found me such a perfect Christmas gift that he could not wait and already gave it to me (it was a new camera lens)!

My mother who inspired my craftiness. I am also thankful that she spent Thanksgiving with us and was able to help us decorate for Christmas. She is a Christmas junkie (wonder where I get it from???)

My sister Julia and that she found the love of her life, Alya, all the way in Africa.

My sister Patty who is a free spirit and has the kindest heart.

My wonderful friend since age 12, Kelley, who always listens to me complain about my kids, while longing for kids of her own. (and knows me better than most people in the world)

My great friend, Tina, who takes the most beautiful photos of my kids and inspires me to be a better photographer. (and loves the Twilight series as much, if not more than me)

The rest of my extended family, in-laws and friends. I am so grateful to have an awesome support system.

That my husband and I are employed in this difficult economic time.
That we have a president who wants to make sure everyone has access to affordable health care.
The internet for allowing me to be inspired my so many artists all over the world.
Pumpkin Pie.
Christmas, an excuse to get the whole family together every year.

I will leave you with these photos of my girls pretending to be high fashion models taken with my new lens. Forgive any blurriness because it is a manual focus lens and we haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet. (Also, don't mind the funky photo effects above, just messing around in photoshop)

Friday, November 13, 2009

hark the herald angels sing...

Now that we have gotten through Chloe's birthday, Christmas crafting is in full swing. Why is it that when I have tons of projects already on my plate, I get inspired to add more to the list?? Case in point, I haven't even started the Christmas PJ's and yet I am obsessed with making lunch boxes and reusable snack and sandwich bags for the family. Do we absolutely need this right now? No, but I can't seem to think of anything else. Luckily, there is an awesome thrift store in Ann Arbor that has TONS of craft supplies. It is a thrifty crafter's heaven. I found lots of scrap fabric and 3 different colors of rip stop nylon for the lining. And the prices can't be beat!

Anyone else have this crafting ADD? I have way too many unfinished projects, some from previous Christmases. I am embarrassed to admit that the quilt I started for my husband's gift last year is still not done (I suck) and there is a scarf and fingerless mitts on the needles from 2 years ago for my sister (double suck). (Anyone want to quilt a quilt for cheap?) I am hoping to finish everything on my list this year. Wish me luck! (BTW, it makes me sick to think that I made all of that stuff last year and didn't take any pics, I am going to try and be better about that too this year)

I did make a dent in my UFO (unfinished objects) pile when I made a doll for Chloe's birthday that has been cut out since 2 years ago! By the time I make Lily's she will be graduating from high school.

If you are inspired to make gifts this year, Sew Mama Sew has posts everyday in November on things to make, they also showcase handmade items for sale and recipes and have giveaways!

If you don't want to make anything, but want to give handmade, go to Etsy. There is some really amazing stuff, I could browse there all day.

Finally, if you don't want to make anything or buy anything, you can try to win something at Rae Gun Ramblings, she is having giveaways each day counting down to Christmas. Today's gingerbread skirt is too adorable!

Monday, November 2, 2009

My precious Chloe

Dear Chloe,
I am in shock that my baby is 4 years old! Wow, it seems like you were only born a short time ago. You were the sweetest baby ever. You slept constantly and rarely cried. I was in heaven.

You are growing up to be such an individual, you are truly a spirited child. Some of the characteristics that drive me nuts right now, like your stubbornness, you wanting to do everything yourself and your defiance will make you such a strong and independent woman. I think we will either be great friends or butt heads a lot.

You have such a sense of humor for a little girl and you keep us laughing all the time. You love to perform and like to have an audience. While you can definitely try my patience, you are usually such a love bug. You love to hug, kiss and snuggle and I am just savoring every moment of that.

You look up to your big sister so much, even though you like to drive her crazy at times (like cutting her American Girl doll's hair), but I think she is teaching you more than your dad and I ever could (hopefully not too many bad things:) You would sleep in her bed every night if you could.

You are making great strides academically. You know all of your letters and numbers and are starting to try and sound out words! You will definitely be ready for kindergarten next year, even though you will still be 4 when school starts.

It is a bit sad to see you growing up and you are not my baby anymore, but I am very excited for all the adventures yet to come.

You are such a joy and I am so happy to be your mama.

Love always,